
Paul Levy

a versatile artist passionate for creating

Paul Levy is a retired professional chiropractor from Chicago who has a passion for writing, creating music and meditating.

Paul started studying piano since age 11 and has never left playing piano since then. He obtained a Bachelor of Theory and Composition in Music from Northwestern University in Evanston in 1974.

In his teen years, he played music jobs in the Catskill mountains in hotels and restaurant/bars. Later in his 20’s he composed for, played in and directed a small group of musicians for religious festivals in a religious organization called Sabaean Religious Order. Since then, he has mainly been composing music for piano, voice and keyboard.

Recently, one of his original religious songs was utilized on Good Friday Service at a local Catholic Church.

Paul Levy was also the lead chiropractor and owner of Bridgeport Pain Control in Chicago, where he provided professional chiropractic care and meditation sessions until 2020.